Cranio-Sacral Reflexology

009.JPGCranio-sacral reflexology (CSR) is a complementary therapy, which can be undertaken on its own or together with your regular medical care.

A holistic therapy that aims to help the whole individual; and to support the body’s own healing abilities. By reducing stress and allowing the body to relax, the body can repair and recuperate.

Reflexology has been described, as a specialised type of foot massage, where the reflexologist uses their hands to apply gentle pressure to specific areas on the client’s foot, like a specialised form of acupressure.

The rhythm of the cranio sacral system is fundamental to life and offers an opportunity to evaluate the health and well-being of the individual.

The distinction between cranio sacral therapy and CSR is that with the latter, one is accessing the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from a point on the foot or hand instead of at various points on the body or head.

CSR is a non-invasive treatment, with profound effects on a variety of system malfunctions, especially in the field of trauma, including physical, such as whiplash or emotional trauma that involves twisting or distortion of the meninges surrounding the spinal cord.

CSR is a therapeutic method that combines the use of pressure on specific areas of the feet that relate to the 12 cranial nerves as well as on the pulse of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) surrounding the brain and spinal cord.

Cranio Sacral Reflexology helps treat conditions related to trauma and stress balancing the distribution of cerebrospinal fluid within the four ventricles of the brain. The pressure applied to specific points on the feet stimulates and harmonizes the cranial rhythm or primary respiratory mechanism (PRM). The movement of CSF can be felt in the feet, as a pulse or a wave, and is very different from the pulse of the heart. A PRM rate six to twelve cycles per minute is normal for humans of all ages. It can increase to twenty-five during fever, or go as low as two, in the case of a coma or anoxia. During a disease or trauma, there will be a variation in the flow velocity. While this rate has traditionally been felt in the head can be felt just as easily in the fingers or toes.

This unique combination of reflexology and aspects of cranio sacral therapy, Cranio-Sacral Reflexology, produces a treatment that other therapists and professionals are finding increases the scope of their work; and clients report it is highly effective in alleviating their symptoms.

Many conditions including infant colic, sinus headaches, neck and back pain, whiplash injuries, and cancers of all kinds can be safely treated.